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Uso de reversible process em inglês
It is a reversibleprocess too.
Since epigenetic regulation of gene expression is a reversibleprocess, targeting histone deacetylases provides a good rationale for anticancer therapy.
Colour and pattern can be incorporated by expanding or contracting tiny spaces in the material using an entirely reversibleprocess.
Protein ubiquitination is a dynamic and reversibleprocess of adding single ubiquitin molecules or various ubiquitin chains to target proteins.
We further show that BDNF plays a critical role in initiating and maintaining persistent nociceptive sensitization and that this occurs via a ZIP- reversibleprocess.
For several decades, acute kidney injury (AKI) was generally considered a reversibleprocess leading to complete kidney recovery if the individual survived the acute illness.
The model was developed to investigate the relation between computation and reversibleprocesses in physics.
Even mortal medicine regards death as a kind of process more than a state of being- areversibleprocess, in some circumstances.
Importantly, since epigenetic modifications are reversibleprocesses they could assist with the development of new therapeutic approaches for the treatment of human diseases.